Sarah Graham - Top Of The Pops
After the success of ‘Lollipop Carousel’ I bought my very
own miniature chupa chups carousel in a sweet shop,
and always planned to work from it. I spent a long time
working from various angles, taking hundreds of photos,
and endlessly rearranging the lollies to get the best
contrast. I thought it would be a lot more straightforward
than the photo I used for ‘Lollipop Carousel’, which was
in fact a cropped holiday snapshot peering through a
vending machine in Great Yarmouth. In fact I now realise
I had too many options.
In the end, I decided the pairing and slight shift in focus
between these two lollies worked really well, I especially
liked the lens flare in this image, as it allowed me to
incorporate lots of blurred transitions throughout the
vibrant red backdrop, which is essentially just the plastic
stand the lollipops are displayed in.
The title is a little nod to one of my all time favourite TV
shows growing up, and of course chupas being the brand
leader when it comes to lollipops! Occupying stands
on just about every shop counter here and abroad! The
stand is still full in my studio, I’m not tempted by them as
I’m more of a ‘pic n mix’ girl, rather than anything hard
boiled, I’d far rather paint a chupa chup than eat one!
Deep Boxed Canvas
27.5 x 43.25